PotM Calendar Terms of Use - WiNZ Photography

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PotM Calendar Terms of Use

The Photo of the Month Calendar is free of charge and open during the last two weeks of every month. Those wishing to show their work on the calendar must be over 18 years old and do so under a shared interest agreement. Calendar slot requests can be made until all twelve places for the current year are taken. The subject matter can be as diverse as the natural world itself, including landscapes, plants, wildlife, captive wild animals; rock, wave and cloud formations; the night sky or weather in any background, style or setting, e.g. urban, black and white, colour, abstract or macro. However, as there are only twelve places available, applicants are allowed only one request per month and must ensure their submission does not contain or consist of the following:

- Images with links unsuitable for children.
- Images inappropriate to the theme of the calendar or the content of this website*
- Images sent as original RAW files or original full-sized JPEGs.
- Images taken with little skill, time or effort, i.e. of poor picture quality.
- Images of nesting birds taken with lenses less than 500mm
- Images of birds on feeders, farm animals and domestic or exotic pets.
- Images with human faces, vehicle registration numbers, house and door numbers, and company names or logos.
- Images owned by a third party.
- Images created using fabricating software*.
- Images found to be a second entry made within the same month.
- Images submitted outside the opening time/after the closing time.

*Note, too, that depictions of certain kinds of animal behaviour, such as mating, defecation and the killing of live prey, may also be in breach of these terms if considered to be too graphic, explicit or unsuitable for children. Post-processing, e.g., cloning, cropping, sharpening, etc, to a degree, is permissible. However, the inclusion of additional elements to your original photo using background swapping or the use of cut-outs is not permissible

To request a place on the calendar, please use our request form or email a 3:2 JPEG copy of your photo (preferably watermarked) with a title and story of no more than 250 words, excluding any names of those with you at the time. Include page links and details of any specific calendar event at least sixty days ahead, as this will be published on the next monthly site update. Do state whether you’d like to have your entry deleted or archived at the end of its run.
 Although one link will suffice, you’re allowed a maximum of two, e.g. one for your photo and the other for your name. We'll let you know when a slot becomes available. Your picture will then be posted with your name and photo linked to your requested site for free throughout that month. At the end of which, your photo and details will either be deleted from our site or archived as per your instructions. Please note that all requests are received on a first-come, first-served basis.

Frequently Asked Questions
Terms subject to change without notice.
Thank you for sharing your photo on this website. Please complete the following:

My picture is already watermarked. Thank you.
Please watermark my picture for me. Thank you.
My picture is unmarked and I would like to keep it watermark free. Thank you.


You're allowed two web links. One (or both) to your website, the other to any online location of your choosing, e.g. a social media account on Instagram, Smugmug, Twitter or Face Book. Copy and paste in the spaces below which links you'd like to see with your name and photo. If you don't have any links you will need to enter a valid email address or write the words "my email address" in the name and photo link boxes below.


Include any events you might have that you'd like to see in the "Your Events Space" e.g. birthdays, messages, meetings, anniversaries, holiday specials, weddings etc, with their respective dates in the calendar entries below.



No thanks, please delete all my details at the end of my calendar month.

I am over 18 years old; have read the above terms and FAQs, and thereby willing to show my work on this website for a month in exchange for any interest it may generate in my profession/hobby as a wildlife/nature photographer.
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