Page 6 - Words of WiNZdom
P. 6

Four things for the unexpected

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                So what next if your subject is  a  no-show? In  nature nothing is ever
                wasted  (a  precept  that  should  also  apply  to  your  time).  In
                seemingly  uneventful  situations  be  prepared  to  make  the  most  of

                whatever else turns up and if you want to give yourself plenty of scope
                for the unexpected:

                1. Don't  be  a  "species  snob." Common and garden variety creatures
                have just as much to offer as the next rare or unusual find. So make
                use of the time by making use of them.

                             2. Never under estimate the power of water.
                                                             On  hot  dry  days  birds  like  nothing

                                                             more  than  to  bathe  and  to  drink.
                                                             Sooner  or  later  every  animal  will
                                                             need  to  do  the  same.  So  if  you
                                                             happen  to  be  lying  low  next  to  a

                                                             puddle  after  a  downpour  then  stick
                                                             around.  A  good  source  of  water  is
                                                             usually the place where a number of

                                                             surprises often come from.
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