About - WiNZ Photography

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Thanks for dropping by. My name is Roger Cox. I am an award-winning amateur wildlife photographer and nature enthusiast living approximately three miles from the City of London in the East End.
 I've always had a fascination for the natural world. However, my interest in nature photography grew from a concern for wildlife in a place with a large amount of indifference towards it.

Likened to an ongoing building project, you might think Central London is an unlikely place for plants and animals to thrive. But it has its green spots, and over the years, I’ve encountered and recorded some unusual wild residents and visitors, all within a five-mile radius of my front door! Although it remains an ambition of mine to learn more about the lesser-known inhabitants of London's wild underbelly, I’ve expanded my interests to include wildlife on farms, nature reserves, zoos, and national parks. As a result, I created this website, Wildlife, Nature and Zoo Photography, which, despite numerous changes, has remained faithful to its original threefold mission of:
(a) urging others to be more mindful and supportive of the wildlife around them.
(b) reaching out to fellow nature photographers for a mutual exchange of ideas and information.
(c) monetising and sharing my images enough to make my photography and wildlife interests known.
 As it stands, the site remains a work in progress, where some pages receive unannounced updates/edits. These include grammatical fixes, format changes, new software features, image upgrades, and linked new content. In addition, publicised monthly swap-outs to ongoing themes like the PotM and new galleries like Our National Birds also include these edits. Hence, in any given month, certain pages will change to improve the look and feel of things. So, should you find any page lacking user-friendliness, please let me know via the "Contact" button in the sidebar menu on the left. Thank you.
So why not another portfolio website?
Did you know...
somewhere on Earth another species becomes extinct every 20 minutes.

Did you also know...
the UK is one of the most nature-depleted countries in the world, and despite nature struggling against all odds to survive, more than one in seven native species face extinction, and more than 40% are in decline. - The Future of UK Nature.

       Every good wildlife photographer needs a code of practice. I've modelled my one after The Hypocratic Oath.

From top to bottom: Fallow Deer - with deer numbers out of control, over-grazing has been cited as a major cause of species loss. Red Fox - of least concern. However, of the 11,000 or so living in London 30% are killed by traffic every year! Natterer's Bat - bat numbers have fallen dramatically over the last fifty years as a result of habitat loss, destruction of roost sites and changes in agricultural practices, which has reduced the diversity of their insect prey. Eurasian Curlew - has suffered more than a 50% decline in the UK over the last 25 years and is now on the IUCN Red List. Mountain Hare - of conservation concern as population sizes in the UK are sensitive to climate change.
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