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PotM Calendar - WiNZ Photography

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PotM Calendar

The Photo of the Month (see gallery) is a year-round calendar of wildlife and nature images with story contributions from visitors, friends and fellow photographers.
When it comes to nature photography, it's not only those exciting tales of high adventure that often accompany talent and skill for a fabulous result. If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a well-timed shot or well-framed one can say as much about you as a photographer. So, if you'd like to showcase one of your pictures here, free, for one calendar month with a short story or personal account, then this page is for you.
Aliens by Roger Cox
Victoria Park, Bow, London
As one of Europe’s most wildlife-invaded countries, the UK is home to hundreds of alien species. Some, like the little owl and brown hare, are more eco-friendly and therefore less problematic—unlike this yellow-bellied slider, which has managed to colonise dozens of canals, ponds and lakes as an unwanted pet.
 In the past, over 600,000 terrapins, mostly red-eared, Cumberland, and yellow-bellied sliders, were imported to Britain, with an estimated 4000 of them deliberately released into the wild! Originally from the warmer parts of the Eastern and Central US, our climate is rarely kind to them. Basking begins in spring but with barely the right amount of sunshine to metabolise calcium and vitamin D, they struggle to harden their shells, hatch from any eggs in temperatures below 24 o C, or store enough fat reserves to hibernate in winter.
 Our weather may have hampered their progress but has done little to lessen their appetites. Terrapins are voracious omnivores that can live for forty years, depleting aquatic habitats as they compete with a host of native animals that rely on invertebrates, fish, amphibians, and certain plants for their food. They also pose a human health risk as a potential salmonella reservoir. Hence, their status as aliens is clear—they’re not welcome. As of August 2016, it’s illegal to trade or breed terrapins in the UK. It’s also highly irresponsible to keep them without the proper facilities and care, but above all, utterly criminal to release them into the wild.

Special announcements or simple hellos. Place your message, or link here as part of your PotM agreement. With five places left for 2024, the PotM Calendar is now closed until July 18th. To learn more about posting news, comments and events under a PotM agreement, see our Terms of Use page, where you can submit your photo (along with your story) during the last two weeks of every month.

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